Psalm 119:53

Psalm 119:53

In defence of God's law

There are two very obvious reactions to God’s Laws and to His commands. There is one large group of people who reject the Lord God and His Laws, and then there is a smaller group who honour Him and His Laws. 

Many who reject the Laws of God do so simply out of ignorance or just unbelief, it’s hard to convince such people that His ways are best and that they have a responsibility to acknowledge the One who created them. Such people fill us with despair and yes, at times, they make us angry. Why do they continue to ignore the Lord when His deeds and His power are so blindingly obvious?

There is another group of people who certainly stir up anger in many of us, these are so-called Christians who constantly challenge God’s ways and assert their own interpretations of His Word. I briefly scrutinized a book yesterday that is written by a number of clergy in defence of the LGBTQ movement. In it the Commandments were questioned and Paul’s writings in Romans 1 were discarded as being out of date and only relevant to a time and culture that was far less tolerant than our own. That filled me with indignation, who are we to decide when the Bible is relevant or what parts we are to discard or obey? God’s truth is God’s truth for all generations, in fact it stands firm for all eternity as the previous verse reminded us. 

It's a sad church where acceptance of and obedience to God’s Word becomes the issue that divides those who claim to be “Christian,” but it has ever been so. We cannot belong to those who have forsaken God’s Law or who believe they have the right to question it, we are called to simply honour His Word, even the bits that we find hard to accept. 


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