Psalm 119:64
Psalm 119:64
The earth is filled with God's love
What a beautiful phrase begins this verse. “The earth is filled with Your love, Lord.” Who would believe that after hearing the daily news, or reading the headlines about all the crises facing humankind at this time? In order to make sense of what goes on we have to make an important distinction between the activities of the wicked, the destructive ambitions of the devil and the loving provision of a holy God. Let’s start with the basics, this world belongs to the Lord, He made it, His trademark is stamped all over it. All created things are the work of His hands and despite appearances, He is calmly in control of all that happens on this planet. Attempts have been made, since the beginning of time, to overthrow His sovereignty and to wrest control away from Him, but these challenges are doomed to failure. That the majority of mankind chooses to either ignore the Lord or to usurp Him is shameful and beyond belief, especially when rejecting Him automatically aligns us with His enemies.
Against this backdrop of conflict and rebellion, the compassionate heart of God still beats, and His love is reflected in every created object and living creature. This is a God who keeps on giving despite the foolishness of men, that alone tells us a lot about His love. Did you know that the air we breathe out contains our DNA? God’s DNA is part of everything that He has made, for He spoke it all into being with the breath of His mouth. And His DNA is love and His love will prevail. That is why His spoken decrees are so precious; they help us to align with Him and His will. Hallelujah!
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