Psalm 119:42

Psalm 119:42

Trust in the Word

We have reflected before on the circumstances of the writer of the Psalm. In verse 25 he talks about being “Laid low in the dust.” We understand this to be a reference to his health - he believed himself to be close to death. In such circumstances he certainly needed a miracle of healing and deliverance, and who could provide this but the Lord? Hence the words in the previous verse where he prays for the Lord’s unfailing love and His salvation. And the longer-term consequences of being restored? The psalmist promises that once healed he will answer the taunts of his enemies, he will point to the healing ability of God and the restorative power that has prolonged his life. 

There is no question that when the Lord intervenes in our lives, particularly when we suffer from ill health and appear to be close to death, a seemingly miraculous recovery speak volumes. People may mutter about us behind our backs, but they cannot refute the evidence - this man / woman appeared to be dying but now he / she has been healed and restored. So, when the Lord does intervene and turns disasters into triumphs, let’s make sure we give Him all the credit and that everyone knows about it! 

Notice that the grounds for the writer’s confidence is his trust in the Word. The Word of God is many, many things and it will feed and comfort us for a lifetime, but it is nothing if we do not trust in it and believe in its author. Everything in this wonderful book may only be received by faith. There is no book like it! Hallelujah! 



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