Psalm 68:13
Psalm 68:13 Sheep pens and feathers This is an extraordinarily beautiful verse of Scripture. At first reading it does not make sense and looks completely out of place. Let’s unpack what is being said here. Firstly, the sheep pens accompanied Israel wherever they travelled. We know that the people had herds and flocks and that animals were very much part of the ongoing procession through the wilderness. Now that Sinai was behind them, many of those animals were being bred and nurtured to furnish the sacrificial rituals that had become part of everyday life. So, “sleeping among the sheep pens” is a figure of speech for the times when the people were at rest, surrounded by their animals, their campfires and the bags being carried by the oxen and donkeys, and they were free from the demands of travel or the threat of their enemies. Israel is now portrayed as a dove, a bird of peace. The nation is described in this manner in Psalm 74:19 and Hosea 7:11 and it seems to be a term of...