Psalm 68:4

Psalm 68:4

Sing to Him!

The ancient Canaanites worshipped a god they called Baal and one of his perceived characteristics was that he rode upon the clouds. The clouds were his chariots and thus he sped across the sky! Our verse today, invites us to “extol Him who rides on the clouds” and I don’t think that David was promoting Baal, do you! Obviously, these words encourage us to sing out the praises of our glorious God and Father, but have you noticed that each little expression says something slightly different? 

Firstly, we are to sing to Him. Not so-called worship songs that are all about me or about us, but songs that personally address Him and glorify Him. 

“To God be the glory, great things He has done.” 

“You are the King of glory, You are the Prince of Peace.”

 “I worship You Almighty God, there is none like You.” 

Even if you don’t recognise those songs, there are others that are addressed to Him personally, and if you can’t think of one, make one up or borrow one from David. Let us sing to our God today!

The second injunction is to sing in praise of His name. 

“Oh, how I love the Saviour’s name.” 

“What a beautiful name it is.” 

“No other name, but the name of Jesus.” 

His name is unique, it is a name full of authority and power, when we sing or speak in His name, we are recognising who He really is.

The third injunction requires us to look up, to see the majesty of God in the clouds, to wonder at His power and to recognise that He is above all other gods. 

Then we are encouraged to draw near, into His presence, to come before Him and rejoice in the full knowledge that He is the Lord of all. He does not push us away or hide Himself, He beckons us to come into His presence and to rejoice.

What a cure for depression and gloom all of this is! Let’s take these steps into intimacy today and be glad! Hallelujah!


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