Psalm 68:7-8

Psalm 68:7-8

God, the God of Israel

I love these verses! They speak of a God who is on the move and a creation that responds to His presence. God was on the march and the Children of Israel were going with Him as they broke camp and moved away from Sinai. Judges 5:4-5 says, “When you, Lord, went out from Seir, when you marched from the land of Edom, the earth shook, the heavens poured, the clouds poured down water. The mountains quaked before the Lord, the One of Sinai, before the Lord, the God of Israel.” (If you want more of this kind of reading, go to Habakkuk 3.) There is no reason to doubt that these phenomena were real and that the earth did shake, the mountains quaked, and the clouds literally poured down their water. How else could 2 million plus people with herds and flocks, quench their thirst and cook their food? 

With our modern, scientific explanations for everything it is easy to forget that creation is one with its Creator, that things happen naturally because He makes it so. Nothing is random or by chance, contrary to what the evolutionists tell us. Everything has a purpose and fits to a divine Plan, even those things that appear to be destructive.  Look at the clouds, the sun, moon and stars. Listen to the birds. Watch the animals. Take in the wind in the trees. Watch the waves lap on to the beach. All of this is God’s doing and provided for our pleasure, our provision but also to serve as a reminder and a warning that God’s works are all around us. This God is on the march, the end of the Age is drawing very near, creation has had enough of man’s interference. It’s time to get in step, to leave the past and move steadfastly into His future. Hallelujah!


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