Psalm 67:2

Psalm 67:2

Let every nation know about the Lord

Our desire for the Lord’s blessing should never be selfish! How often we pray for His help, guidance and provision, out of selfish motives. “Lord I don’t feel well, heal me. Lord, give us a fine day today for our Outing. Lord, I pray that the worship music will go well this morning.” And so on. This Psalm begins with a prayer that God will be gracious to us and bless us and make His face shine upon us. Why? So that His ways may be known on earth and His salvation among all nations. It's evident that this prayer was not just an individual cry to God, this was the prayer of Israel. Lord, show Your blessing to us, Your people, so that the whole world will know who You are and what are Your ways. Let very nation know about Your salvation. 

This cry for help and blessing has been heard in heaven in the past 75 years, as the nation of Israel has been re-established on the earth and the land has turned from being a wilderness to a place of abundance. The people have been kept, through numerous conflicts and skirmishes, and they have stood alone against the hostility of the surrounding nations. Most of the world, and sadly most of the Jews, refuse to see the hand of God in this, but there are those of us who are able to recognise that He is faithful to His promises, and that the profound statements in these verses are being honoured by Him. Hallelujah!

This should give us confidence, as His spiritual people, to pray for His blessing upon us so that a fearful, hopeless world may look on and see evidence of His salvation. These are not empty promises, history shows that the Lord means what He says and does what He says He is going to do. Hallelujah! 


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