Psalm 68:12

Psalm 68:12

Where are the men?

The victorious procession from Sinai to Canaan continues. Nation after nation is swept aside as the Lord marches forth and conquers the land. It was not just the indigenous tribes who lived in Canaan that faced His wrath, the Lord cleared a path for His people even over territory that they had no intention of retaining. We tend to think of the travelling Israelites as a grumbling, disorganised rabble whereas, in fact, they were mostly highly organised and bristling with intent. Their very presence filled the surrounding nations with dread, especially when every contest ended in victory for the travellers. Of course, it was the presence and miraculous aid of the Lord God that brought this about, and thus the local kings and armies had good reason to flee in haste. These were not just military victories, the pagan nations were plundered and the spoils taken back to camp for the women to evaluate, and then divide amongst their tribes and families. 

Today’s travelling warriors are the church of Jesus Christ and we are not bent on military conquest but there are spiritual battles to be won. The Lord’s intention is that we should be armed to the teeth for the conflict and Ephesians 6:10-18 sets out the armour and weapons that are available for the soldiers. If we were properly equipped, fully prepared and ready for battle, the enemy would be quaking, unfortunately the army is disorganised, ready to do deals with the opposition and, more often than not, led by women because the men are too distracted, frightened or unwilling to fight! What a shambles, and the Satan is continuing to take the ground. “God help us! We need you Lord to march with Your people in the same way you did with Israel in ancient times. You are our only hope of success.”


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