Psalm 66:8

Psalm 66:8

Let the sound of His praise be heard

I heard once of a church pastor who ordered his congregation to leave their building and go out into the street and shout, “I am a fool for Christ!” Some of the “fools” declined his invitation! However, there is a time and place for our praises to be heard. There is a place also for joyful and exuberant celebration of all that God is and all that He has done. Not everyone will want to join in and there are many who probably think that we are foolish but maybe our joy could be a bit more evident? Maybe it is because we don’t think we have much to celebrate? Perhaps today is a good time to sit and think about, or write down, all the things that faith in the Lord God means to you. List them, add up all the blessing and privileges that are part of being a member of God’s family and under His protection and care. The List will be a long one and it is only after we meditate on such things that we realise how privileged we are.

So, whether it be at home or in the workplace or in a public arena, it’s good to let the sound of His praise be heard. As we have commented before, our praises are very different to the world’s celebrations. Songs and exclamations of joy from those who believe transcend the atmosphere of the earth and arise to the throne room of heaven where they bring glory to the heart of Almighty God. If no one else wants to hear us, He does! Hallelujah!


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