Psalm 69:5
Psalm 69:5 The folly of Yeshua Our modern usage of the word “fool” or “folly” usually relates to someone who has made wrong decisions or who is lacking in wisdom, knowledge or common sense! However, in Psalm 14:1 we discovered that the root Hebrew word for fool, in the Bible, is “nabal” and it describes a morally deficient person, one who justifies his actions by saying there is no God. In 1 Samuel 25 we read the story of Nabal whose wife Abigail told David, “His name means Fool, and folly goes with him.” Not one of this kind does good, in other words, once you have convinced yourself that God does not exist there is no good in you, even apparent goodness is probably driven by self-interest. As Isaiah 64:6 tells us, all our righteousness is as filthy rags unless it is motivated by faith in God. Although this Psalm was written by David and it reflects his personal experience, we have determined to view it as an expression of the anguish of Yeshua as He faced the sufferi...