Psalm 68:22-23
Psalm 68:22-23
Wading in blood!
These verses are as bloodthirsty as any in the Psalms. In verse 15 we discovered that the Mountains of Bashan represent the highlands of Israel to the north and east of the land, territory that is modern-day Syria. The “depths of the sea” can only be speaking of the Mediterranean Sea to the east, so that all areas of the land are embraced here. As the Israelites established their dominance of the land of Canaan, innumerable peoples were driven out and conquered, and the enemies of God were extinguished. So much so that the feet of the soldiers waded in blood and their dogs lapped it up!
Some find this view of the Lord God to be unpalatable, especially as a similar pattern has unfolded in the land in modern times, with the driving back of the indigenous Palestinians. Listen, God is God, He created the world and its people. He gave life to every soul that was born on this planet and that gives Him the right to distinguish between those who love and acknowledge Him and those who do not. Israel, sometimes very reluctantly, acknowledged Him as their God and they were protected and blessed. All of the foreign nations could have joined them in worship of the true God but instead they continued to follow their pagan idols and to fight against the Lord. These verses remind us of the consequences of taking Him on and also of what it will mean to die without faith in Him.
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