Psalm 68:21

Psalm 68:21

Hairy crowns crushed!

We are all familiar with the pronouncement by God, to the serpent, in the garden of Eden, “And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.” Genesis 3:15. Quite clearly, while Satan would be able to inflict a minor injury on the offspring of the woman (in other words -  Yeshua), he would suffer far more severely as a consequence. His power, his headship, his authority and his life would be taken, and he would be destroyed by the woman’s child. 

Balaam, the prophet who was in it for the money, foretold the coming of, “a star out of Jacob; a sceptre that will rise out of Israel. He will crush the foreheads of Moab, the skulls of all the people of Sheth.” Numbers 24:17. Balaam too was speaking of judgement and destruction and the devastation of God’s enemies. 

David uses the same picture here, of heads being crushed, to describe the annihilation of the wicked and the removal of their military threats. It cannot be stressed enough that those who disobey God, those who deliberately defy Him, those who argue against His existence, those who refuse to be accountable to Him, those who blaspheme His name and ignore His commands, are in terrible danger. They will face the wrath of God and their hairy crowns will be crushed. Every man or woman who sets himself or herself against the Lord God does not accept His crown but make themselves kings and queens. They build their kingdoms and enthrone themselves. But their authority and their influence will be removed and their self-made little empires will be destroyed. Let us bow down to our King today and remove the crowns of self-indulgence and acknowledge the one true Sovereign. Hallelujah!


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