Psalm 68:24-25

Psalm 68:24-25

The procession of my God and King

This verse brings to mind the liturgical processions that we sometimes see in cathedrals and high places where a choir walks steadily forward followed by clerics and priests in their colourful robes. I suspect that David is describing something similar here. The Levite choirs and musicians would certainly be involved and thus there was singing accompanied by harps and lyres and possibly shofars. Behind the musicians came young women playing timbrels or tambourines so this was not a quiet affair! It would have been a joyful spectacle and the crowds would have, no doubt, joined in. They almost certainly sang some of the very psalms we have studied, including this one. The singing and music were followed by the more dignified procession of the priests in their robes led by the man who was High Priest at the time. 

David is describing here the moment when the Ark of the Covenant was first brought up to Zion and in 2 Samuel 6 we read that he gathered 30,000 young men to accompany this sacred parade as it made its way to Jerusalem. This is the famous incident where the King danced before the Lord and earned the derision of his wife Michal, who was subsequently cursed with a barren womb! And so, the sacred objects were brought into Jerusalem and there they would remain to be installed in a Temple, built by Solomon, after David’s passing. The colourful procession and the jubilant music were not the cause for celebration, it was the fact that the presence of the Lord God had entered the city. He would reign from Zion and for these settlers in the land, the conquest was now complete.

I would have loved to witness this spectacle, and one day, we will see and hear the heavenly choirs, I’m sure. While we wait, let us not be afraid to worship the Lord noisily as well as quietly. And let’s not be afraid to worship Him corporately as well as individually. He is worthy of ALL praise. Hallelujah!


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