Psalm 84:2

Psalm 84:2

My soul yearns, even faints for the courts of the Lord

What a deeply passionate longing this verse describes! Look at the words used, the writer yearns, faints and cries out from his soul, his heart and his flesh. The soul is the seat of our emotions and our thoughts and our will, this man’s soul is emotionally tied to the Temple site. He is exhilarated and charged by the atmosphere of the place. It is so familiar and yet so sacred; it has deep and long-term attachments and to be away is heart-breaking. 

It’s good to have a “place” where we feel close to the Lord God, a place that we miss when we are away even though we know that He is with us everywhere!

The yearnings go deeper still, it’s not just the building and the ceremonies that are so painfully missed, the psalmist realises that outside of the Temple he has no access to his God. There is a dull ache within him and a heart-breaking desire for intimacy. That longing is expressed in cries and pleadings as his flesh gives voice to the emptiness inside. 

Perhaps today is the time to stop and realise how blessed we are. We do not have to go to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem to worship our God. We do not have to confine Him to a place. He is with us wherever we go, by His Holy Spirit. The only thing that keeps us from intimacy with our Father in heaven, is sin. If He seems distant, we have to get rid of the sin and let Him fill our hearts afresh. He longs for us to draw near and hopefully, if we are away from Him we will take the necessary steps to run back to His presence!



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