Psalm 106:30

Psalm 106:30

Well done Phineas!

As we saw in the previous verses, it was Phinehas, the grandson of Aaron the High Priest, who intervened and brought God’s wrath upon the couple who brazenly had a sexual liaison in an Israelite’s tent. The judgement of Phinehas was brutal, he rammed a spear through both bodies and brought instant death upon them. But his actions stemmed the wrath of God, the plague that had killed 24,000 Israelites ended and peace and normality returned to the Camp. The Lord said to Moses that “Phinehas son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron, the priest, has turned my anger away from the Israelites.” (Numbers 25:11) The Lord then vindicated Phinehas for his actions. “Since he was as zealous for my honour among them as I am, I did not put an end to them in my zeal. Therefore tell him I am making my covenant of peace with him. He and his descendants will have a covenant of lasting priesthood, because he was zealous for the honour of his God and made atonement for the Israelites.” (Numbers 25:12-13.)

We might find the actions of Phinehas both brutal and outrageous; in a modern-day court he would be tried and sentenced for murder. But think again, the only motive that drove Phinehas was his allegiance to God’s name and his anger at what was happening to his fellow Israelites. He not only punished the wicked, but he also saved the rest of the company. He willingly sacrificed two lives for the sake of the majority. God saw this as a priestly act and not only forgave Phinehas but installed him and his sons as a lasting priesthood! It’s a bit like sending soldiers to war, we sacrifice them so that the majority might be saved. These actions may upset our sensibilities, but the Lord was pleased with this young man and He elevated him to High Priesthood. Later, God Himself would take the life of His Son and allow Him to be murdered for the sake of us all. He does not expect of men what He will not do Himself!!


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