Psalm 51:4

Psalm 51:4

Deliberate sin

In Genesis 20 we read the story of Abimelek and Abraham. The latter had passed off his wife Sarah as his sister and Abimelek had taken her with a view to her becoming his wife. The relationship was not consummated, and the Lord used a dream to reveal to Abimelek just what was going on. The insulted king pleaded innocence, “I have done this with a clear conscience and clean hands” he said, to the Lord. And God agreed, “Yes, I know you did this with a clear conscience, and so I have kept you from sinning against me.” This is a big subject but there is clearly a difference between sinful intentions and deeds where the participant knows that he/she is doing wrong, and those occasions where an action is carried out in innocence. 

David knew all along that every detail of his relationship with Bathsheba was sinful, as were his actions in the cover-up. Therefore, he sinned against the Lord God and broke the commandments which said that “You shall not commit adultery and you shall not murder.” David also knew that the Lord was right to judge him, as he had done through the words of Nathan the prophet. 2 Samuel 12:7-12. 

We need to learn from this. There are occasions when we sin but are completely unaware that we are doing so. In Romans, Paul seems to excuse those who sin outside of the Law if they have no awareness that their actions are illegal. However, for most believers there is little excuse, our sin is against the Lord God because we know His laws and we have deliberately and rebelliously chosen to shut our eyes and ears and have carried on regardless. That is when our God is right in disciplining us, for we have pursued evil in full view of Him!



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