Psalm 18:28  
Light of life
    This Psalm never stops delivering! Now we are asked to consider light and darkness and the One who keeps our lamp burning. Straightaway my thoughts go to John 1:4-5. “In Him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” 
There are many Scriptures that link light and life. John, in the above passage, states that Christ the Word is the true light that gives light to everyone but ,sadly, many do not recognise Him. Even the Jews rejected Him despite the many prophecies of His coming and the special relationship they enjoyed with God the Father. John’s writings link life with literal creation – “All things were made by Him; without Him nothing was made that has been made. In Him was life ….”So what is the Light? 
It is clearly possible to be alive, on planet earth, but to not know the light. It is evident too that this light, whilst shining brightly in a dark place, can be rejected and even shine unnoticed! Isaiah helps our understanding by referring to the Gentiles as, “The people walking in darkness have seen a great light.” This light is Jesus, the revelation of God Almighty, the spiritual hope of the nations, the only hope for those who live in the darkness of sin and death and the Satan’s domain. He is our unique access to God, our only prospect of reaching our full potential as created human beings, the only means by which sins can be forgiven, the exclusive answer to life after death and the one person who can protect and empower us in this life. If this world is in darkness, and our lives are to have any meaning there is only one answer: Jesus Christ is the way, the only truth and He is life. He enters our beings like a blazing torch, exposing our misdeeds and casting out all evil influences. His light searches the gloomiest corners and eliminates darkness completely. It is a new beginning; we are free and now He takes up residence and a lamp begins to burn. A lamp that only He can fuel and that flickers at times, but which will never be extinguished. Thank God for the light of life, for His Son Jesus who lights my way and burns within me by His Holy Spirit. Jesus is Lord. Hallelujah!


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