Psalm 18:22-23  
Keep me from sin
   One of the least heralded principles of our faith is the walk of holiness or sanctification.  The Christian life is no holiday, but every day is a holy day and there are battles to be fought and the greatest of them is within ourselves. The battle with sin is the subject of some of the greatest of the Apostle Paul’s writings, especially in Romans, and yet it is rarely spoken of in modern pulpits. Instead we are lectured about knowing ourselves, dealing with past traumas, severing soul ties etc. Whilst all of these things may be helpful and have a place, there is no more fearsome battle than the inner battle with sin and God’s command that we learn to walk in obedience.  When Christ came to earth it was to enable us to have victory over sin. “You shall call His name Jesus, for He shall save His people from their sins.” 
Christ has dealt with our past, now we need to experience His victory as we live in the present, and the battle will always be about our sinful nature and its inclinations. The Satan knows exactly how to lure us away from the truth and how to limit the power of the Holy Spirit within us. How many Christians can say like David in these verses, “All God’s laws are before me, I have not turned away from His decrees. I have been blameless before Him and have kept myself from sin?”The reply might well be, “We are not under the Law any more so that battle is not for us.”  Yes, that is true, we are not bound by the Law or accountable to the Law, but we are slaves to the mercy and grace of Christ and His righteousness. Our accountability is to Him and He asks that we be rid of sin and that we walk in holiness. His work of redemption and forgiveness at the Cross has most definitely dealt with our past, now we must walk with courage and hope into the future and learn the disciplines of the life of purity. 
It is inevitable that whilst the power of sin has been broken by Jesus, we still occupy bodies of flesh and will be subject to innumerable temptations. One way that He helps us is to wash our feet on a daily basis as we come to His Word. That washing is to take away the grime and dirt of the previous 24 hours and to help us to walk clean again. Paul refers to this in Ephesians 5 where he talks about how, “Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to Himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.” 
If we long to be free of sin, then we must allow Him to wash us daily. It gets harder to sin deliberately when we’ve had our feet washed by Him and His voice is pulsating in our ears!


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