Psalm 18:21  
Not guilty?
      Some of us have trodden the path of faith for many years, possibly a lifetime. There have been many twists and turns, we have failed more often than we dare admit and yet here we are, still walking the walk and still talking the talk. For David that walk meant complying with the demands of the Law, keeping up the religious observances, honouring the Covenant that God had made with his ancestors. Although his life had also taken many twists and turns, he had remained faithful and true to his God.
Our journey is the same and yet so different. We are made righteous by faith not by Covenant keeping. Our walk is a journey of holiness not brought upon us by compliance with the demands of the Law but by the unerring, inner voice of the Holy Spirit. Our religious observances count for little for it is our hearts that God sees and our worship that He covets. Far too many Christians are caught in the trap of ritual and ceremony and seeking acceptance based on their works. At what point will we ever be able to say that we are good enough to be accepted by a Holy God?  instead of setting aside time and effort to celebrate the rules and regulations of religion, God asks us to set aside time and effort for relationship.  How blessed we are!


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