Psalm 106:33
Psalm 106:33 They rebelled against the Spirit of God The Spirit of God is rarely mentioned in the Old Testament. God is Elohim or Adonai or the Lord (YAWEH), He has many other names but all of them describe a singular Being who is the Most High, in contrast to the many lesser gods of the pagan nations. God speaks, God acts, God chooses, God provides but, on every occasion, it is the mystical, divine Being who is in view. Of course, the people of Old Testament times knew that God was a spiritual Being, and they also knew that He sent spiritual representatives in human form, they knew that on occasions He appeared in clouds and glory to a select few, but the concept of the Spirit of God is not often mentioned. In the same way that Messiah remained mystical and distant, God as the Holy Spirit seemed to be an enigma clouded by anonymity! Maybe, this rebellion at Meribah is a warning to us as much as to the Israelites. The Psalm writer is led to explain that when we may behave and speak reb...