Psalm 106:4
Psalm 106:4
Remember me, Lord
It seems that the writer of the Psalm is begging to be included in the blessings that he believes the Lord is going to pour out upon the people or the nation of Israel. We can almost hear him saying to himself, “but I act justly, I always seek to do right so, in that case Lord, I am qualified to be included when You show favour to Your people and when You bring salvation to them.” That there should be an element of doubt about this, in the writer’s mind, is puzzling. Perhaps he is simply asking to be included in every good thing that the Lord God brings upon His people, or perhaps his past includes something that may exclude Him from God’s favour?
The wonderful promise to you and I is that we are included. We do not have to earn our salvation or the favour of the Lord. His blessings are all ours through Christ Jesus; the sins and mistakes of the past have been forgiven, we are new creations, the old has passed away. We are redeemed, set free from the chords that bound us; our slavery to the world, the flesh and the devil is ended, if there are blessings to be given from heaven, then we are included in them. That is why I cannot understand some modern Christian counselling techniques that constantly encourage believers to dig up their past and try to resolve conflicts within themselves so that they might better appreciate who they are in Christ. There is an element of adding to their salvation in all of this and the process is more rooted in modern psychology than in Biblical truth. What Christ did for us at the cross is enough to cancel the debts, the curses and the accusations that were held against us. We are free! Hallelujah!
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