Psalm 119:102

Psalm 119:102

The Lord is my teacher

In verse 99, we thought about the progression from being taught by others, to becoming a teacher ourselves. It’s a long, ponderous journey and we are forever grateful for those who accompany us for parts of it, our mentors, our rabbis, our guides along the way. For many of us it starts with parents, then Sunday School and Bible Class teachers, followed by pastors, ministers, shepherds, elders and others who took us under their wing. It may be many years before we stop and look back and realise that all these different folk have had a genuine interest in our progress and have been deliberately planted to help us on our way. To them all we say a heartfelt, “Thank you.”

There comes a day when we realise too, that none of this has been accidental or coincidental, the Lord Himself has been our guide and our mentor, and He has been our principal teacher. The richness of the words that we read and study in God’s Word are flavoured by a divine hand, the Holy Spirit is the primary source of instruction, and He has been involved in our spiritual education since Day 1. For some, we have now reached the point, or will reach it, where we don’t need Bible Reading notes or a “Thought for the Day,” the truth of God’s Word leaps out at us as soon as we open our Bibles, and our spirits are fed the moment we begin to read. What a privilege and what a joy! This is God’s Word; it is His personal letter to you and me. Everything we will ever need to know for the rest of our lives is written here, and He takes a personal interest in our progress and what we need to be taught at any point in our lives. That is why we can never turn our backs on His Word, and that is why our lives are blessed and guided in ways that we could never organise for ourselves, we are indeed so incredibly privileged and blessed. Hallelujah! 


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