Psalm 119:105 The lamp and its light And now to 14 th letter of the Hebrew alphabet – Nun. Nun represents the number 50 and it is an expression of life often associated with a picture of a fish swimming in water! It is first mentioned in Exodus 33:11 where we meet Joshua “the son of Nun .” Joshua was the man chosen to succeed Moses and he was able to enter the Promised Land where he made incredible progress in conquering the local tribes and clearing the way for Israel’s occupation. Joshua was literally “the son of life” – a representation of Yeshua our Messiah. The words that begin this section of Psalm 119 are the best known in the Psalm , “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” This talk of the author being on a journey and choosing to walk on the right path has been mentioned before, indeed in the previous verse he declares how he hates every wrong path. So, what is the best way to stay on the right path? By reading and obeying the Word of...