Psalm 119:96

Psalm 119:96

Beyond perfection

What a curious verse! What does the writer mean when he says, “To all perfection I see a limit, but Your commands are boundless?” Perhaps this is better translated, “Everything I see has its limits, but Your commands have none”, or “Even perfection has its limits, but your commands have no limits.” 

It’s a deeply philosophical point isn’t it, that when we consider perfection, we have to admit that it can go no further, it can be improved no more. If something is perfect there is nothing more to add, it cannot be bettered. In that sense, perfection has its boundaries and its limitations. The writer is telling us that God’s commands are limitless, they have no boundaries; the word used here is translated “broad” in some translations. His commands go beyond perfection! It feels like we are standing on a beach somewhere, gazing at the vastness of the ocean before us and pondering its beginning and its end, or gazing at the night sky with its myriads of twinkling stars and wondering where its boundaries lie. 

It's quite something to have developed a relationship with the Word of God such that we realise it is unlimited! Just when we thought we had grasped some facet of truth, we discover that there are yet deeper layers, that every word from God is limitless and eternal. His words are not bound by intellect and understanding, by time or by distance, whatever we think we know, the journey has only just begun! Beware of those who think they understand God and His Word, or who have developed systems of theology, or who stand on a few simple promises and can never be moved. Our attitude should be one of humility, whatever we know now is wonderful, but if our minds are open to the Spirit of God, He has so much more to show us! A lifetime of study will never be enough, for His truth is infinite but that should not hinder our thirst for more. Hallelujah! 


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