Psalm 119:91
Psalm 119:91
Laws have consequences
The attitude of most of mankind is that God’s Laws are outdated, overbearing and totally irrelevant in our modern world. Take the Ten Commandments, who can honestly say that they think abusing God’s Name is an offence? That human beings should keep the Sabbath day? That adultery is a sin against God and that wishing you owned what your neighbour owns is a grave misdemeanour? Yet, according to the psalmist, these ancient rules still apply and there are therefore, consequences for ignoring them!
Regardless of what clever men say, all of the human race still serves the living God, even those who do not believe in Him! He is the ultimate authority over all the earth and what He says still goes. There is nothing that happens on our planet that is not known to Him and every human life is accountable and will be accountable to Him on a coming day. Even those who defiantly ridicule His very existence – serve Him! We all serve Him, whether we want to or not, for ultimately this is His world, His creation, we are the recipients of His life and the very fact that we have licence to live here is down to Him. If we choose to ignore His presence and His creative powers, we still live under His care and protection and therefore we will answer to Him. Even though man thinks he has taken control of who will live and of when we die, we still receive life and are granted death only because He allows this.
That is why it is vital that we seek to live His way, obey His rules and acknowledge this amazing God as our own, the only One to whom we must give an account.
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