Psalm 119:90

Psalm 119:90

The earth is the Lord's

There seems to be an underlying belief, in the minds of the psalm writers, that the continuity and endurance of the earth should not be taken for granted! There were no life-threatening calamities hanging over the planet in those days, but those who believed still saw the continuance of the earth as an act of God. Maybe, because the Flood was still relatively recent and because it was an historic event that was not disputed at that time. Indeed, the prosperity and stability of the earth was believed to a be a consequence of God’s faithfulness and had nothing to do with the activities of mankind. Thus, when evil men prospered and godless civilisations came and went, there were grounds for believing that the whole of mankind was under threat, the fact that the earth endured could only be down to God’s faithfulness.

Such attitudes are unheard of today, very few believe that the future of the planet is in God’s hands, few believe that He could send devastation and judgement at any moment, no, the future is “up to us”. We must continue to have endless meetings and conferences and try to work out ways of saving ourselves and the planet we live on. Failing that, we must explore Mars and other planets to see if we can live on them! What kind of crazy nutcase would want to abandon our vibrant, magnificent earth to live on a dull, lifeless lump of rock like Mars? Brian Cox apparently!

Let us be in no doubt. The future is very much in God’s hands, that is cause for both rejoicing and fear, according to which side we are on. Thank God today, that He has been faithful through all generations and that He continues to allow us to exist on this beautiful earth that He created. Hallelujah!



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