Psalm 119:89
Psalm 119:89
The enduring Word
The Hebrew heading at the beginning of the next eight verses is “Lamedh.” It speaks of teaching and learning and is an acronym of “lev mevin data” which means “a heart that understands wisdom.”
What better way to begin this section than to ponder the eternal and permanent nature of the Word of the Lord. This is the Word that governs and maintains all of creation, without that Word there would be chaos, indeed there was, until God spoke, and light dawned over planet earth. All things are under the control of that Word, all living creatures receive their life from that Word. All inanimate objects have their place because the Word brought them into being and holds them in situ. Mankind was created to obey the Word and to live within the confines of its laws; because of our rebellion the effect of the Word is diminished, and it is hindered in its purpose. Even the heavens operate under the rules and authority of the Word, the more we push back against it and question its power and relevance, the more we endanger each other and the future of our world. In fact, such is the authority of that Word over the heavenly creations that they actually speak to us, if we would but listen! “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the end of the world.” Psalm19:1-4.
Those who recognise that Word, who treasure its mysteries, who read and meditate upon its wisdom and clearly discern the voice of Almighty God, are truly blessed. The Word exalts them above their fellows and seeks to conform them to His image. Love it, breath it and live it!
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