Psalm 119:88
Psalm 119:88
God's unfailing love
The trials and anguish of the writer are not over yet! His life is still in jeopardy, the future looks precarious, the taunts of his enemies still ring in his ears. Most of us would pray at this point that God’s protection and armour would preserve and keep us, that He would build a fortress around us and guard us with His mighty sword of truth. Our psalmist finds comfort and security elsewhere, “In Your unfailing love preserve my life.” It’s a bit of a surprise to find that love is a protective force but then, when we think about it, it isn’t a surprise at all. What drives a parent to guard his children? What motivates a father to protect his wife? What impels a pastor shepherd to lay down his life for his flock? Is it not love? This is the highest motive that we can call upon, and calling upon God is no different, “Lord, in Your unfailing love preserve my life.”
And if He does? Surely our response must be grateful obedience. The statutes of God’s mouth were the Covenant stipulations that He gave to His people. The deal was not, “If you obey me and my laws, I will love you and bless you.” No, the deal was, “I love you and will bless you, now therefore obey the statutes that I have spoken to you.” John is so right when he writes, “We love Him, because He first loved us.” 1 John 4:19. This is our lesson for today, we cannot earn or deserve God’s love, love came first. Our obedience and compliance with God’s Will is our opportunity to reciprocate that love and to show that we appreciate and are grateful for it. Hallelujah!
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