Psalm 119:79

Psalm 119:79

Friend or foe

In verse 63 of the Psalm, the author writes, “I am a friend to all who fear You, to all who follow Your precepts.” This is in complete contrast to his view of the wicked, “Indignation grips me because of the wicked, who have forsaken Your law.” V53. In this writer’s mind there is a very clear distinction between those who walk in God’s ways and follow His laws, and those who have no time for the commands and decrees of the Lord. In fact, that distinction determines whether he treats them as friend or foe! As we often say, “Actions speak louder than words.” The attitudes and morals of a person clearly reveal their relationship with the Law Maker. 

We have seen that the laws of God are far more than just the 10 Commandments, they embrace a way of life that affected every action, word and thought of the Israelites and in many ways formed a formidable burden for the people to carry. It fell to a few righteous men and women to see delight and holiness in humbly submitting to God’s Word and seeking to fulfil His every command. But that’s the point of the Law. It is a delight to those who willingly submit to its demands and a pain in the neck for the majority who do not want to obey, who think they know better, and who are lured by the alternative “freedoms” that the world appears to offer.  This same struggle still goes on, whilst we are not expected to fulfil the ritual and religious aspects of the Law, there are moral and sacred obligations that require equal diligence and humility. Paul wrestles with this tension between the law and the desire to live a sin-free life in Romans 7, it is irresolvable until he discovers that there is a different and better way. Instead of being slaves to sin and the law, it is possible to live by the Spirit and to put to death the misdeeds of the body. Romans 8:1-17. 

It still takes some nerve, does it not, to say that those who fear God should follow our example and be our friends, that true fellowship can only exist when we walk with those of the same mind, those who understand the precepts of the Lord? And yet experience teaches that this is the best fellowship of all. Praise God!


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