Psalm 119:75
Psalm 119:75
The afflictions that the author bears are, presumably, not just in the past, it looks as if he still struggles daily with his problems. Verse 67 says, “Before I was afflicted, I went astray.” In verse 71 he writes, “It was good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn Your decrees.” Now, in this verse he attributes the afflictions to God’s faithfulness for it seems that in those afflictions, the Lord has dealt with his servant righteously. It’s almost an admission that whatever has befallen him, the writer believes that it is deserved, he is experiencing the righteous judgements of God and has no grounds for complaint.
We need to remember that the rule of “cause and effect” applies even with God’s laws. In fact, the Scriptures make it quite clear that those who obey God’s laws will be blessed, and those who deliberately and knowingly break them, will be cursed. (Deuteronomy 26-28.) Those rules applied to a nation but there is a sense in which we all suffer afflictions because of our disobedience. Are there instances when we are afflicted and we can see the deliberate hand of God at work? I believe there are. There are times when the halter around our necks is pulled back and we are not given free rein to continue with a certain course of action. We are reined in! There are times when a particular mode of behaviour is challenged and has to be terminated. There are other occasions when we literally suffer in our bodies because we have abused the righteous decrees of the Lord. All these moments are important signposts on our spiritual journey and should not be ignored! These are the occasions when we should ask ourselves, are these afflictions the outcome of my foolishness, allowed by a faithful and righteous God?
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