Psalm 119:74
Psalm 119:74
The fear of God
We’ve pondered before, the meaning of “fearing” the Lord. Let’s remember, that if we are believers it has to nothing to do with being frightened, scared, terrified or alarmed by Him! The fear of the Lord is a healthy and reasonable reaction to One who is so much greater, more powerful and more glorious than we are. It is a sense of perspective in the presence of the God who is above all gods and the divine Being who rules over the whole universe. He has no equal and no one or no thing can contend with Him and hope to win, He is above all and over all and we are right to show Him reverence, respect and awe. Having said that, He encourages us to call Him “Father” and has identified Himself with us in human flesh, in the person of Jesus.
The author of this psalm has occasionally been plagued by self-doubt and an awareness of his own fallibility, not so here! He is effectively saying that if he keeps God’s laws and His Word, and if that is demonstrated in his life, then those who meet him should rejoice. They will say, “Here is a godly man whom the Lord has rescued, here is a failure who the Lord has blessed, here is one who exhibits the power and perfection of the Word of the Lord.”
Is it not still true, that those who genuinely love the Lord and who walk in His ways, find joy when they meet and are able to express a shared love and devotion that is demonstrated in worship and praise? There is nothing quite like the fellowship that exists between true disciples of the Lord, when they meet up, they immediately share a bond in Him that is joyous and unlike any other kind of friendship. Hallelujah!
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