Psalm 119:72

Psalm 119:72

What is of most value?

In verse 14 of the Psalm, we read that rejoicing in God’s statutes is like rejoicing in great riches. In verse 57 we saw that the Lord is seen as the “portion” of the author, a portion being an inherited share in the land. This thought is repeated in verse 111 where the statutes of the Lord are the writer’s heritage. And in verse 162 the promise of the Lord is likened to the spoils of war, it’s an unexpected reward.

We live in a culture that measures most things in financial terms, success is quantified by what people own, by the house they live in, the car they drive, the lifestyle they can afford. It’s very hard to be unaffected by this, the advertising industry ensures that we are all bombarded, almost by the minute, with the lure of things that we want but don’t necessarily need. It’s time to step back and consider for a moment, do wealth and material gain have to be the driving forces, the most important things in my life? It’s easy for us Christians to point the finger at the world and accuse them of being driven by the desire for wealth and riches and yet most of us are caught up in the same pursuits! So, it’s time to stop, think hard and ask ourselves what matters more, the trappings of wealth in this world or the law that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord? Most of us will squirm at such a question, but think about it, if the Lord did not exist for us, if there was no written Word, if we had no moral guidelines and it was every man for himself – what would be the point of living? Isn’t it better to be rich in spiritual terms, than to stockpile things that will not accompany us on our journey beyond this world? 



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