Psalm 119:70

Psalm 119:70

The slippery slope

In Romans 1, the Apostle Paul gives us a carefully reasoned synopsis of the downfall of the wicked. Firstly, they refuse to see God’s glory in all that He has made, in Paul’s view the existence of God and the character of God is in plain view, all that mankind has to do is look around him! There is no excuse for not seeing the stamp of the Almighty One on His created world. Paul hints that, deep down, everyone knows God, but most people refuse to glorify Him or give thanks to Him, instead they chase after futility and darkness and worship false idols and material things rather than the One who gave them to us. This is claimed to be wisdom but is absolute foolishness. The truth about God is exchanged for a lie and men suffer the consequences by degrading themselves, they are no longer behaving as those who are made in God’s image. 

It is this kind of thinking that hardens men’s hearts, that makes them uncaring and unfeeling towards one another and towards the Lord God, not only do they reject Him, but they consequently reject His laws and rules which were given for the benefit of mankind. Thus, the more a society, nation or culture rejects the Lord, the more they stray from His truth and the more they stumble into perversion and paganism. Sinful practice replaces truth so that even God’s people become deceived and deluded by the cultural changes around them. How sad! Let us be those who delight in God’s law and who follow His truth, this is the road to enlightenment and freedom, “this is the way walk in it!” (Isaiah 30:21.)


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