Psalm 119:94

Psalm 119:94

Seek out His precepts

Imagine that you have recently been taken on in a new role with a new employer. It’s a responsible, managerial position, you are overseeing others and also ensuring that your employer’s instructions are being carried out. One of the first things you will do is ask to be given access to employment manuals, to Company policies and you will expect to receive training on “how things work.” Some of the information will be familiar but there will also be new things to learn. It would be a foolish, and very short term, employee who didn’t bother to check anything out and just started to do it his or her way! 

The author of this psalm understood that the Lord God had taken him into His employment, he was now a servant. To do this God was gracious enough to save him, to rescue him from his previous way of life. He was willing to throw himself completely on the mercy of the Lord and to depend on His ongoing salvation. One way of showing his gratitude and appreciation was to seek out the “rules of conduct”, to become familiar with his new employer’s instructions – His precepts.

We would be foolish to boast that the Lord has saved us but then carry on living by our own standards and ideals! Some attempt to do this this but how can they possibly join the Team of Jesus Christ but then persist in living as before? If we’ve never thought about this, it’s time to wake up! Study the precepts, find out what pleases the Boss, and then start to obey and fit into His preferred “modus operando.” 


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