Psalm 119:37

Psalm 119:37

Turn my eyes away

This verse provides a contrast to the one that precedes it, verse 36 is a prayer that the Lord will turn our hearts towards His statutes, v37 then asks that the Lord will turn our eyes away from worthless things. What kind of worthless things are we talking about? The list is a long one but let’s name a few! Lord, turn my eyes away from: -

·      My neighbour’s house, his car, his possessions

·      The forbidden enticements of the opposite sex

·      Pornography

·      TV programmes and films that dishonour You and Your Name

·      Video games and consoles that can become addictive and waste valuable time

·      Gambling opportunities

·      Drugs and alcohol

·      Gossip and tittle-tattle

·      Food that my body does not need

·      Wealth and affluence

Human nature does not change, many of the lures of modern living were available to the writer of this Psalm and he faced the same struggles that we do. The heart cry does not change, because the world continues to offer the same allurements, the same temptations to indulge the sinful nature. 

There is another way, but it takes determination and a strong will to turn from the world’s inducements. We have to recognise that God’s way for us is better and then be willing to obey His way and His Word. In this we will find that our lives are preserved, many of the world’s enticements are addictive and have a negative effect on our health and wellbeing, the consequences of living God’s way are a long and healthy life. Hallelujah! 


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