Psalm 119:36

Psalm 119:36

Selfish gain or what?

Well, here is one of those crossroads that we were talking about in the previous verse. The writer has reached a junction in the road and has two choices. One of the routes has much to offer, promotion, increased responsibility and a significant rise in salary. The circle of contacts will grow in importance, and it is clearly a role for someone who is moving up the ladder of success. A better car, a better house and better holidays all beckon and only a fool would turn these down.

The problem is that another way has opened up, it involves the service of others and will come with little in the way of fanfares or recognition. This future pathway involves serving others and the financial rewards are negligible, there will be no meetings with the “high and mighty” and it looks as if it might be necessary to make some cuts to domestic spending.  It’s decision time and the pros and cons need to be carefully considered, the major questions to be asked are, “Does Route 1 appeal primarily because I stand to gain a great deal financially? Am I looking for personal success or am I in the business of serving others?”

It seems that those who follow the Lord have tough decisions to make but those choices will reveal their true heart. Remember, we are disciples of Jesus Christ, so which route would He have chosen? At times like this we are encouraged to pray, “Turn my heart towards Your statutes Lord and not toward selfish gain.”


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