Psalm 119:30

Psalm 119:30

Which way are we going?

Nowadays, we are all so used to hopping into our cars and heading off towards a particular destination, we rarely have to think about the route and when we do, Google Maps is there to assist us! If we ride on a bus or a train, it is with the purpose of being taken to a specific place. When we go for a ramble in the countryside, few of us just head off into the sunset hoping that we will arrive somewhere, some day! In other words, our daily activities, and especially our travels, are guided by the need to reach a specific destination, we set off with a goal in mind and nowadays try to find the quickest way to achieve this. As a young man I remember that many couples and families went for joy rides on Sunday afternoons, car journeys were still a novelty for most and it was an achievement just to explore and see places that had never been visited before! 

The point is, that if we carefully choose the routes or ways that we take in our vehicles, should we not apply equal or even greater diligence to our spiritual ways? For instance, we have the right and the ability to choose the way of faithfulness, God does not impose this upon us, it’s our choice. We also have the right to choose to obey and honour God’s laws, again these are not imposed. Every human being alive is given the option to travel God’s route for their lives or to go their own way. It’s time to step back and consider the journey that we are currently taking, is this God’s way? Is the destination one that He would wish us to reach? Are our choices running alongside His map, or are we going our own way? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could all look in the mirror and affirm, “I have chosen the way of faithfulness; I have set my heart on Your laws.” Food for thought. 



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