Psalm 119:21

Psalm 119:21

The arrogant are accursed!

It’s well over five years ago that followers of this blog were about to dive into Psalm 10, a psalm that exposes the arrogance of the wicked! According to the author, arrogant wicked men or women hunt down the weak, boast about their passions and cravings, revile the Lord, have no room for God in their thoughts, make money, reject God’s laws, believe that no one can touch them, speak endless lies and threats, murder the innocent, and abuse, threaten and crush their victims. 

I’ve met many people like this, they may not exhibit all these characteristics, but many live this way, to varying degrees. These people are a law unto themselves, they care nothing for other people and spend their whole lives building their personal wealth and reputations at the expense of others. And the public applauds these people! In the USA you have to virtually be a billionaire before you can even be considered as Presidential material! According to our verse today, those who live and work to promote only themselves are accursed! God has no time for them, He rebukes their greed, their pride, their treatment of others and their rejection of Him and His laws. 

If we seek to walk humbly before our God and do not live for ourselves but for others, we will inevitably suffer at the hands of the arrogant. Let us not reject God’s law or reject Him as a consequence. Let us be wholly committed to walking in His ways and seeking to live by His commands and standards.


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