Psalm 119:20

Psalm 119:20

What a picture!

Walk into any public Art Gallery and you will not only find an eclectic mix of paintings, pictures and creative objects but also a very varied selection of viewers. Some just browse casually, paying no particular attention to any of the pieces, if they sit down for a moment, it is not to gaze intently at one of the displays but rather to check their phones! Other visitors move from object to object with rapt attention and, if they have a companion, with exclamations of wonder and awe. Then there is the solitary observer who just stands and stares, often at one piece. This is what they have come to see, to the casual viewer this particular display is no better nor worse than its companions, but to the expert eye there are a thousand and one things to admire; the choice of subject, the brush strokes, the emotional impact, the hidden nuances, the story-telling, the state of mind of the artist, the long-term effect of witnessing such genius! 

The law of the Lord is a similar work of art. To many it is casually observed and bears little long-term impact. To a man like our psalmist, the law was a beautiful portrait of his God, delicately and finely woven together into a panorama of wonder and glory. He could gaze at it all day long, and when separated from it he felt a deep, deep yearning to be reacquainted and to have the time to take in its beauty and its glory!

Is that how we feel about the Word of God? 


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