Psalm 119:17

Psalm 119:17

Be good to Your servant

So, now we come to the third letter of the Hebrew alphabet, “Gimel”. It might be a good moment to consider further the hidden meaning of these semitic letters that start each section of the Psalm. 

·      Aleph (v1-8) is derived from the word for Ox and is the father of the Aleph-Bet. It has a numerical value of one and it is symbolic of the strength and oneness of God.

·      Beth (v9-16) represents a tent or a house and its shape, in Hebrew, suggests this. So, Beth-lehem is the House of Bread. Beth-saida means House of Fishing. 

·      Gimel (v17-24) represents the number three and is believed to symbolise a person in motion, like a rich man running after a poor man to give him charity. The word is also associated with the giving of punishments as well as rewards.

Our psalmist is seeking charity in today’s verse. He asks the Lord to be good to him throughout his life so that he might obey His Word. This might initially read like a form of bribery, how many of us would dare to say to the Lord “You be good to me, and I will obey Your Word”? However, when you think about it, it’s far easier to obey the Lord and His commands from a position of gratitude and blessing than when we are facing injustice or any kind of deprivation. I don’t think the psalmist is saying, “You be good to me Lord, or else,” I think he is inferring that experience has made him realise that he is more prone to obedience when the goodness of the Lord is all around him. May the Lord be good to us if the outcome is increasing delight in His Word and conformity to His Will. 


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