Psalm 119:15

Psalm 119:15

Considering His ways

Like many others, I have followed one of those “Read the Bible in a Year” courses and still own one of the Bibles that allows us to do this by mixing up the Old and New Testaments texts, just so we avoid getting bogged down in some of the more tedious books! I also once faithfully followed a 3-year course that prescribed a reading each day, followed by a series of questions. It was 50 years ago but I remember that every morning, for those 3 years, I got up early and sat and resolutely wrote down my answers. With a pen in those days! 

The verse before us today suggests a different approach, it is to take some of the hardest parts of Scripture namely the precepts, or God’s rules and orders, and meditate upon them. The purpose of this approach is to try to understand God’s mind, to grasp His plans and purposes, to understand how He thinks. There are questions to be asked; Why did God write this? What does it really mean? If I obey what are the implications? If I disobey, what are the implications? Who is this written to? Does it have any significance to me today? Do these words affect my understanding of God and my relationship with Him? What are these words saying in the context of other Scriptures on this matter? The list goes on, but you can see the inferences, the Lord God wants us to take time to look hard at His Word and then we are to turn it around in our minds until it has time to sink in and have a positive effect on the way we think and behave.  Meditation takes time. Let’s make time! 



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