Psalm 119:9

Psalm 119:9

Young people and the Word

And so we come to the second letter of the Hebrew alphabet - “Beth”. This is a verse for those who are younger in age, suggesting that the writer was speaking of himself. In ancient times it was a major responsibility of the older, wiser men in the community to pass on their wisdom to the next generation. It was equally important that the young looked up to their elders and took instruction from them. And, of course, even if you were old, you could only be described as wise if you were prepared to keep learning and add to the wisdom accumulated throughout your life. Yes, the culture in Israel was very much about this exchange of information but it was all grounded in God’s Word, these people were not majoring on scientific exploration, they had a higher goal, they purposed to know and understand the heart and mind of God! It begs the question as to how much time have we spent teaching our own children the truths of God’s Word, and how much thought and energy do we put into instructing them in His ways?

As the psalmist rightly attests, it is not going to be possible for young people to stay on the path of purity if they have not been taught the Word of God. Looking back, I can see how important a foundation was laid in my own young life. It started with Sunday School which took place every week on a Sunday afternoon. I graduated to a Bible Class and from my mid-teens was expected to attend adult, mid-week Bible studies. In addition, we were taken to Bible teaching conferences and young people’s House Parties where the teaching of the Bible was the number one priority. On top of this was the daily instruction from my parents in a home that had many books, most of which were Bible-based. That upbringing was the foundation for a lifetime of faith and gave the help I needed to stay on the path of purity. Without that beginning, I’m convinced that I would have wandered far from the path. Thank You Lord. 


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