Psalm 119:6

Psalm 119:6

Shameful or shameless

The writer of this Psalm clearly describes the dilemma that we all face from time to time. We love to call ourselves believers in the Living God, we align ourselves with His Word and His people. We take some pride in our spiritual walk and the importance of our faith. That is, until we have a moment of honesty, and we truthfully measure ourselves against the standards of the Lord. It is when we look at the true self in the moral mirror that we see the warts and the deformities that have hindered our journey and have made us fall so far short of God’s standards. The moral mirror is, of course, the commands of the Lord, these are, in Hebrew, the “miswot”, the terms and conditions of God’s contract or covenant, and when we honestly appraise ourselves against His standards, we have to be ashamed! 

In the verses of the Psalm being “put to shame” suggests public humiliation, there is nothing worse than when others become aware of our sin and our failings especially when we have tried so hard to impress and put on a sincere and holy façade.  This is the point is it not, if we keep God’s commands and honour His laws, if we seek to walk in His ways, there will be no public humiliation? If, however, we disregard God’s commands and knowingly practice sin, then the day of shame is inevitable. Let’s endeavour to maintain a good conscience and to walk humbly before the Lord.  


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