Psalm 119:11

Psalm 119:11

I have hidden Your word in my heart

Well, whole books could be written about these few powerful words. Let’s repeat them, “I have hidden Your word in my heart that I might not sin against You.” I first learned this text, in Sunday School, over 60 years ago. Thank goodness I did! How many of us have learned Scriptural truths and hidden them in our hearts and then found, maybe years down the line, that they come popping up at just the right moment? Times of temptation when we are right on the brink of succumbing and then up it comes, the word pings into our minds and we find that we have to back away from the tempter’s snare. Or those dark moments, in the middle on the night maybe, when the whole world seems to be against us, and then a voice speaks, a voice from deep within, the word that we learned without realising we learned it. Suddenly, the scenario changes, we realise that “Greater is He who is in us than he that is in the world.” 1 John 4:4. The temptation to despair passes and we are able to press forwards.

No doubt, those hidden words have saved many of us from countless moments of weakness and so the wisdom of the ancient psalm-writer is as true today as it was then. Read the Word. Learn the Word. Meditate on the Word. Hide the Word deep in your hearts. We need to be sensitive to the Word so that it can rescue us in the hour of need. Let’s face it, our writer had to rely on painstaking hours of memorising texts, we have our phones, concordances and many other aids. People have become lazy, so let’s make an effort to work with the Lord on this one, He wants to hide His Word in our hearts not on our phones! 


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