Psalm 119:10

Psalm 119:10

I seek You with all my heart

““Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares the Lord.” So says Jeremiah 29:12-14a. This “seeking after God” is a feature of the Scriptures and was the life goal of many of the great saints of old. However, these are not words to be spoken glibly, to promise to seek God with all our hearts is a daunting undertaking. Over the years there have been many songs and hymns that have encouraged wholehearted devotion to the quest, but few actually achieve it. Do you remember singing “I surrender all?” Is it possible to surrender all? Is it possible to seek God with all of my heart?

The author of this Psalm obviously saw his commitment to the quest as being realised in his commitment to the laws and promises of God. If he could embrace these and obey them then he would embrace and obey the Lord God Himself. God’s laws were God’s words of life, he had nothing else and so he committed himself to following every letter, as much as was humanly possible. 

We have it so much easier but also much harder! We have the Holy Spirit, we have an intimate relationship with God, we do not have to obey endless pages of laws in order to earn God’s favour. On the other hand, because of the intimacy of the relationship and the depth of love and grace show us, do we not have an even greater responsibility to, “seek the Lord with all our hearts”?


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