Psalm 118:26

Psalm 118:26

Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord

These words were what followed the “Hosannas” as the people exalted Jesus on His triumphant entry into Jerusalem. The crowds were not making up their songs and shouts of acclamation, they were quoting from this Psalm. Remember, it was very well known, as the concluding part to the “Hallel” it was quoted countless times by the Israelites, in their homes, in their community gatherings and during their visits to the Temple. 

As we have seen the writer of the Psalm was surrounded by enemies, but he had managed to cut them down. (V10-12.) He had faced the reality of death, but the Lord had saved him. (v17-18.) His personal experience had been extremely frightening, and at times, he had feared for his life. But the Lord God had brought him through and now the crowds were celebrating his victory and exalting him as the one who had come “in the name of the Lord!” They too understood that their recent victories had only been achieved because of the help that the Lord God had given to their king. 

The blessing, praise and thanksgiving for their success in battle clearly took place at the house of the Lord, the Temple, and we can only imagine that vast crowds had gathered with a sense of relief but also gratitude. The word “you” at the end of this verse is plural! It suggests that not only was the king being acclaimed, but the Lord was included in their celebrations – of course He was! And when the crowds sang these words to Jesus as He rode into Jerusalem on the foal of an ass, praise and thanksgiving were being offered to God and to His Son. (See John 12:12-16.) When we praise Jesus, we praise His Father too!



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