Psalm 118:24-25

Psalm 118:24-25

Lord save us!

I think that we can read into these verses that they describe a special celebration day, being held to give thanks to the Lord for the victory of his people over their enemies. Some commentators wonder if the day referred to was Passover or the Feast of Tabernacles? We can’t know for sure when the event took place, but what is certain is that the crowds had gathered at the house of the Lord to sing and give Him praise for their deliverance. And there is no question as to the instigator of their victory, it was the Lord. It is so sad to see the Jews currently facing enemy oppression from every side, to hear about the casualties of war and yet there seems to be no one in the leadership of the country who will acknowledge the Lord God and ask for His help to defend themselves. If they did this, the bloodshed might well be avoided, and victory might well be swift and permanent.

“Lord save us” is of course “Hosanna” in Hebrew. It was these words that were shouted by the triumphant crowd as Jesus rode into Jerusalem on what we now call Palm Sunday. Here, in the Psalm, the people are giving thanks for the Lord’s past acts; in Matthew 21:9 the same words are used in anticipation of future victories, and they are filled with hope. Isn’t this the driving force behind so much of our faith? We too can thank the Lord for His past victories, especially for what was achieved at the cross, but we also look forward to a time when all our enemies will be vanquished, when He will rule as Lord over all and when peace will reign over our world. Let’s celebrate! Hallelujah! 


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