Psalm 118:21

Psalm 118:21

The Lord is my salvation!

This Psalm has encouraged us to give thanks for many things. When we enter the gates of the righteous, the gate of the Lord, there should be a number of burning issues in our hearts for which we can give Him thanks.           

V1                    He is good.

V1                    His love endures forever.

V5                    He brought me into a spacious place.

V6                    The Lord is with me, I will not be afraid.

V7                    The Lord is with me, He is my helper.

V10-13            Enemies surrounded me, the Lord Helped me.      

V14                 The Lord is my strength and my defence, He has become my salvation. 

V15                 The Lord’s right hand has done mighty things.

V17                 I will not die but live.

There are other less obvious reasons to give thanks to the Lord, hidden in these verses. As we survey the list and apply it to our own circumstances, we will become aware that a large part of the reason for our thanksgiving is simply who the Lord is. The other reason to give thanks is bound up in what He has done for us. As the writer proclaims, “I will give thanks, for You answered me; You have become my salvation.” 

Whilst we remember to thank the Lord for our food and our shelter and for providing our daily needs, the psalmists encourage us to focus primarily on who He is. It is only when we recognise His power and His position that we get any real sense of understanding of how amazing it is that this great and mighty One actually cares about you and me. He is willing to hear our cries and to answer us. He has become our salvation, He has saved us from sin and from all our enemies, not least – death! Hallelujah! 



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