Psalm 118:19-20

Psalm 118:19-20

The gates of the righteous

Isaiah 26:2-4 says, “Open the gates that the righteous nation may enter, the nation that keeps faith. You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in You.” We have commented before that Israel was the righteous nation, not by virtue of their good works or their exemplary lives, but because they were chosen above all other nations, they were righteous because the Lord God was with them. It was only the fully paid-up descendants of Abraham who were qualified to enter the Temple Courts and ponder the Holy Place and the significance of the presence of the Lord God at its heart. God was there for them, for Israel, for His holy people, despite their failings, their disobedience and their rebellion. This must have dawned on so many as they approached the Temple Courts, especially on days like the Day of Atonement. I suggest therefore that the “gates of the righteous” refers to the gate through which Israel could leave the outer courts of the Gentiles and stand before the entrance to the Holy Place. This was as close to God as any ordinary Israelite might come and it was definitely a place to give thanks to the Lord. Beyond lay two other gates or entrances, one was the gate to the Holy Place which only the priesthood could enter to carry out their daily rituals. And then, at the very centre of the complex, was the gate into the Holiest of All, the heart of the Temple that housed the Ark of the Covenant and the Mercy Seat, which was only entered once a year by the High Priest. 

Let us never lose sight of the fact that to approach the Holy, Immortal, Invisible God is not something to be taken lightly. We may speak to Him as our Father in our private times of prayer and meditation but there must also be times when corporately we, His Chosen people, come with awe and wonder into His presence. There to recognise the immensity of His Being and the glory of his throne and also to reflect on our own poverty and dependence upon Him. Let’s meet to worship with others, with a humble spirit and a deep sense of wonder for as we do, we enter the gates of the righteous. 



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