Psalm 118:14

Psalm 118:14

The Lord is my strength and my defence

This verse is often publicly quoted and quite right too! Isaiah wrote a similar tribute to the Lord, “Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. The Lord, the Lord Himself, is my strength and my defence; He has become my salvation.” 

Any battle against opposing forces begins with an analysis of their strength and ability. Then, comparisons have to be made with the size and capability of the home defences. Few commanders lead their troops out against an army that is vastly superior in size and equipment. Calculations are done, odds are weighed up, strategies are discussed and at some point, the “man in charge” has to make a decision. Throughout this entire process, the next steps are based on rational calculations and the “intelligence” gathering of those appointed to lead the homeland forces. Many men and women must have endured sleepless nights throughout this process, many will have tried to establish the likely consequences of war and the casualties that might follow.

History records that there have been commanders of armies who have prayed to the Lord and sought His help in times pf conflict, the Bible describes some of these and our psalmist was obviously in this camp. Maybe the odds were stacked against him, or maybe he had simply learned to have faith in His God in times of crisis. Whatever the motivation, He had cried out to the Lord and discovered that “He is my help and my defence; He has become my salvation.”

The beautiful truth is that it is not just army commanders who need to learn dependence on the Lord, we all need it. When the odds are stacked against us, when life’s problems seem to be overwhelming, when the enemies of our faith are threatening to break down the defences, then we should not hesitate to call out for heavenly help. Then we can repeat the words in this verse and witness, with wonder and gratitude, the superior power of the One who is our God too! Hallelujah! 


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